SLEEP BETTER 1000 is formulated and manufactured in the United States of America, by a pharmaceutical company that the FDA has approved and determined to have reached scientific standards set forth, including the natural supplements rigorously selected and inspected for quality, which has been certified to be safe and pure.
A sound sleep has as many benefits as a restless sleep hasconsequences. Sleeping is actually your body’s opportunity to heal physically and rejuvenate itself, mentally. A normal sleep cycle is considered to be 7 hours a night, whereas sleeping 6 hours is considered lacking sleeping, and sleeping 5 hours is classified as insomnia.
Studies conducted by the American Academy of SleepMedicine and several other scientific groups have found that 50 percent of Americans from all nationalities struggle with obtaining the recommended hours of sleep, nightly. Within that statistic, 30 percentreport experiencing sleeplessness on occasion, while 10 percent suffers with consistent sleeplessness. Lastly, an alarming 10 percent of those people live with perpetual insomnia. Several studies have estimated 100 million Americans are currently struggling with sleeplessness on various levels. This estimate is constantly escalating. Studies have shown that females are afflicted with the condition more than their male counterparts.
1/ Occasional Sleeplessness: Due to excessive stress contributed to the workplace, stress contributed to schoolwork and tests, loss of employment, loss of a loved one, drastic changes in your usual environment, weather…etc.
2/ Perpetual Sleeplessness / Insomnia: Due to consistent pressures in daily life, long-term anxiety, disappointments in one’s affairs, misfortunes or hardships in personal life, stress disorders or physical injury due to an accident, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, body pains, or a chronic illness. Pre-menopause- menopause in women… but above all, stress, depression, and anxiety are among the most common culprits.
Sleeplessness has the following symptoms:
1. Difficulty falling asleep despite feeling sleepy or tired.
2. Disruptive sleeps or frequently waking up during the night.
3. Waking before you intend and not being able to fall back asleep.
Sleeplessness can lead to consequences such as:
Fatigue - Mood swings - Irritability - Feelings of being tired or sleepy during the day - Lack of concentration- Impaired memory - Lack of energy - Impaired motor skills (Driving a car, etc.) - Frequent headaches - Feelings of distress in social situations - Dry/ dull complexion - Loss of vitality.
Long-term loss of sleep has negative effects on the brain; evidence shows that loss of sleep has a negative impact of brainwaves.
There are 5 types of brainwaves: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta, all of which has a different purpose:
• Gamma waves aid in the learning capacity, the ability to memorize learnt information (books, articles, newspapers)… becomes perfected, improves memory.
• Beta waves aid in critical thinking and precision of thought & facilitate productivity and creativity.
• Alpha waves aid in maintaining calmness in situations & helps calm the nervous system & muscular system.
• Theta waves aid in restful sleep, increased sharpness/clarity, promotes creativity.
• Delta waves aid in restful sleep, feelings of rejuvenation after a night’s sleep.
Within the 5 types of brainwaves listed, Theta waves and Delta waves play a crucial role in one’s sleep quality. When all of the brainwaves work together efficiently, it results in a strong mind and body, as well as restful sleep. Adversely, once brainwaves are disrupted & activities become imbalanced, sleeplessness will continue to worsen.
SLEEP BETTER 1000 has the ability to help you regain a normal sleep cycle naturally, obtain tranquility and serenity, improve appetite, rejuvenate the brain’s functions as well as those of the heart, lungs, liver, digestive system, and restore the balance of brainwave function, in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.
SLEEP BETTER 1000 is formulated with these 5 ingredients:
1. PoriaParadici: aids in restful sleep, prevents nervous system distress.
2. Ziziphus Juluba Mill: aids in restful sleep, promotes REM (deeper) sleep. Repairs functions of the heart & liver, which have been damaged by long-term loss of sleep.
3. Polygala Tenuifola Wild: maintains a good mental state, calmness, reduces worrisome thoughts, and prevents uncontrolled thoughts and emotions.
4. Codonopsis Pilosula: improves energy, lung function, supports healthy digestive system, and appetite.
5. Angelica Sinensis: improves circulatory system, increases blood flow to the brain and heart.
With the incorporation of these 5 ingredients, this natural supplement SLEEP BETTER 1000 does not force your sleep but instead supports it. Therefore when awakened you will experience feelings of refreshment and relaxation instead of drowsiness, like other sleeping pills. In addition, particularly with females, this supplement improves skin elasticity and suppleness, which has been diminished by long-term loss of sleep.
Christopher Cuong Nguyen, L.Ac. Ph.D.